How to prepare a chemo care package for kids

Knowing a child diagnosed with cancer is one of the most difficult and painful things to see. And we all want them to feel better but finding the right course of action is difficult. In a situation like this, there is nothing you can do to alter the child's diagnosis or treatment, but you can try to make it more pleasant by preparing thoughtful gifts for cancer patients.
It can be overwhelming to begin chemotherapy or radiation therapy especially for a kid. One way that you can help them get through this scary and difficult period is to prepare a cancer care package. A child knowing that you are there to love and support him will provide a great deal of comfort for them. So continue reading to discover helpful tips and recommendations Chemo Kits have prepared to help you with what to buy for a cancer care package that will make the child's treatment as comfortable as possible.
Entertaining and educational activities while undergoing chemotherapy
Distracting a child while they are in the waiting room of a hospital, clinic, or doctors' office can ease difficult times of undergoing chemotherapy treatments. Preparing a gift for cancer patients is relatively simple, but the rewards for your child are great.
Journal for writing or doodling
Providing your child with a creative outlet can help them express their feelings about everything they are experiencing, even at a very young age. The writing journal can articulate their hopes, fears, and frustrations if they are able to write. You can also use a journal to doodle or draw your emotions if they don't know how to describe them.
Art supplies
A few crayons and paper are not all that is required to make a craft. Children can create their canvas in a variety of mediums. T-shirts, hats, and canvas bags are all wonderful creative outlets that children can use to bring joy to family or friends in need. You can even use sticker art kits. Art supplies are a no-brainer to add in the cancer care package you are preparing.
Books about coping with cancer
Sometimes it is difficult for adults to tell you exactly what to say, so books always make a great gift for cancer patients. It gives you a good starting point for open and honest communication about what the child is going through. Educational stories about fighting cancer can greatly help the kid and the entire family find comfort and inspiration when it’s most needed.
Stuff toys
A nice cuddly toy is a historically proven gift for cancer patients to entertain and keep them company while undergoing chemotherapy treatment. A stuffed toy can greatly help decrease fear and anxiety and will always be there if they need to hug someone or keep them company. Be sure not to miss this when preparing a chemo care package for kids.
Yoga mat or just be there to help them get some light impact exercises
During treatment, your child might be limited in their physical activity, but if they are able and their caregivers approve, you can introduce some simple stretching or yoga into their activities. Your child's physical well-being can be improved by these low-impact exercises. You could even spark some comic relief in your child's day when you get down on the ground with him or her.
Personal care items for chemo care package
Personal care items are always very helpful for anyone regardless of age and gender who is undergoing chemotherapy. It's one of those things that everyone is going to need sooner or later so be sure to include some moisturizer, lotions, or even a nice & fun bath soap in your chemo care package for kids.
Our chemo kits for the kids
Our Chemo Kits for the girls include a comfortable and chic hair wrap/headband, crayons, coloring book, dry-erase board for end of treatment countdown, toy, cards, and a few other little surprises for your young fighter!
And here’s one for the boys! Our Boys Chemo Kits include dry erase boards for treatment countdown, crayons, coloring books, and surprise toys!